Revaluta Complementary Currency & scancash-app

tech team revaluta bank complementary currency pr team laluz revaluta bank shareRevaluta Bank: De revaluta bank is een baanbrekend initiatief om complementair geld de wereld in te brengen, dat meerwaarde creeert voor de gebruikers, door mogelijkheden te realiseren waarvoor, door de toepassing van deze 5 nieuwe vormen van geld, geen “echte euros” meer nodig zijn. Het geld, genaamd Revaluta Notes, stellen de gebruiker “gratis”  in staat tot bepaalde intermenselijke transacties, zoals: intermenselijke waardering via online registratie (One Worthalot), handel zonder euros op basis van verlanglijstjes voor uitruil (de Nulro), crowdfunding bij kennissenkring voor droomprojecten (One Percent), uitdagen tot wereldreddend gedrag binnen je functie (OMA) en het gevoel van eigenwaarde behouden ondanks een euro-dieet (Zero Trillion Euro).

Deze zomer staan we op verschillende festivals en presentaties als:

– Release Revaluta Banking system, NL
– MeetBerlage @global Sharing Week, Amsterdam
– Eindpresentatie PR Team @laluz, Amsterdam
– Indigo Festival @gameCHANGER, Zeewolde
– Release Revaluta Banking Apps,@ios @android, Global


Revoluta - Complementary Currency for the profit of planet and people

Revaluta – Complementary Currency for the profit of planet and people


Money, having lots or having little of a particular type, has a very strange effect on us humans. New types of money is needed for a world that is aware and evolving rapidly, for a economy based on love and real needs. To support the dynamics of this new economy we created the first Revaluta edition:


  • A type of currency that would counter the feeling of poverty, instead of one that stimulates greed.
  • A type of currency where as one individual to another, you invest your trust in their ability to make a positive change in his or her corporation.
  • A type of currency that could truly validate and honor a person for his or her worth.
  • A type of currency to demonstrate and communicate more clearly to symphatisers that you’ll need their help.
  • A type of currency that would end the need for euros, by exchanging with closed wallets.


Money was created as a tool for exchanging more easily amongst each other, it should not be the core problem separating people into socio-economic strata, into groups of ‘have-lots’ or ‘have-nots’. Willing to support the downfall of a inhumane monetary system powered by greed, the Revaluta Alliance came together in 2013. Its members create new types of money to add currency that matters for people and planet. Money available for all to blend with the current money supply dominated by temporary surplus generating schemes without the respect for future generations, nor in tune or in balance with the concrete physical capacity of the planet.

We needed to create more money solved problems, money with a different outlook on value and worth. One that works for all of us, not just the 1% or the 99% of us. This website shows information about the Complementary Currency crafted for these purposes. The notes are called “Revaluta”, and can be used in everyday life. If you have Revaluta, you are enabled, allowed and invited to use them in your dealings with yourself and others around you.


We’ll keep on shipping it off as long as we can, to as many interested persons in as many countries as possible. To challenge the system on behalve of everyone else, for every man burdened with too much euros, or too little alike. We are unstoppable: Another world is possible, and we’ll be crowdfunding for it! (edit)

Concept, ontwikkeling en uitvoering: Terra Futura (.nl) in partnership met Myraaa (.de). Drukker: Hazenberg Grafisch design: Myraaa Partner: stichting Ons Geld (.nu) Materiaalsponsor: Alert Fonds (.nl), Tech team: Joost van der Schee, Tom Blauwendraat, Jacob Bruinsma en Charif Mews, PR team (externe support via Laluz), Wilco, Wendeline, Gottfried, Hanco & Michel.



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